Blueprint based components?


While it doesn’t seem to be supported currently, is there any plan to add the ability that developers can create Blueprint based components, similar to how a Blueprint (actor) class is created? So a developer can create a Blueprint only component (without any C++ work), and being able to add more Blueprint only variables and functions to this component (with optional replication capability just like normal Blueprint properties), and then this component is ready to be added to other Blueprint (actor) classes when needed.

It seems now to create any custom component type (and optionally add replication support), one has to achieve that in C++ exclusively, which makes it a little cumbersome when I only want to prototype using Blueprint (without needing to write C++ code).



Over the past several versions of the Unreal Engine, you can actually make blueprint components from the editor itself. Just right click on the content browser, click blueprint and then you can see the option to create actor components as well as scene components. You can then attach these to other actor blueprints just like any of the inbuilt components. I’m not sure about how replication is handled for the same.

Ah, you are right! I totally missed that I can actually create ActorComponent derived Blueprint Classes (Blueprint Components) right from within the editor! Was reading some component documentation which only used C++ as examples (specifically for replication). Just double checked, I can actually do entire component replication within Blueprint! Thanks!