Blueprint array to work with both Object and Structs?

It seems there’s no common ancestor to Object and Structs? And no common ancestor to various specify struct types?

I’m making a custom data structure based on array, I hope the array’s element type could be as generic as possible.

If I use a specific struct type, the data structure will only work with that specific struct type?

If I use Object, the data structure will work with all Object derived types but not struct types?


I could be wrong but I don’t believe so. Structs are essentially a multi-dimensional array themselves and are native C++ types, separate from arrays themselves although you have the ability to make an array of stucts and arrays within structs giving them the multi-dimensional aspect. But I don’t believe it to be possible to make an array hold anything other than 1 object (or struct) type.

Maybe you misunderstood me in your last statement: “make an array hold anything other than 1 object (or struct) type”. I meant, a data structure based on array, like stack, any instance of the array still contains 1 type of object, but you can make a stack of type “structA” and a stack of type “BlueprintClass”.

A struct is a struct. It is its own data type. You can not make an “Object” struct but you can put objects, or any other type, inside a struct. You can also put different data types inside the same struct.