Blueprint appears to constantly re-initialize whenever I modify a public variable at runtime

My blueprint class is being derived from the ActorComponent class. I have several public variables exposed so I can modify them at runtime via the editor. The values of some of these variables are generated randomly at runtime.

However, whenever I change the value of any of the variables whilst in play mode (e.g. a boolean,) all of the randomly generated values are regenerated and the Begin Play event fires, as if the BP is constantly being initialized over and over with every change.

This isn’t the behavior I’m expecting. What’s happening here?

You mean changing them during play in editor? Shouldn’t happen, you might want to post your code.

If you mean just ‘in the editor’, then obviously the blueprint is going to reconstruct every time you do something to it.

Yep I mean during play in the editor. I assumed this wasn’t intended behavior. The setup is quite basic at the moment. On the Begin Play event I’m making an array and populating it with random floats. On the Tick event I have a function that’s gated behind a conditional branch (if true, call function; if false, do nothing.) The default state is false and the boolean is set back to false as soon as the function ends.

I could post snippets when I’m back at my project computer but I’m not sure it’s going to reveal much more than what I explained above.

I could add that it’s not simply an array I’m building but rather a struct that contains the array. I’m using the ‘make struct’ utility node then assigning the struct to a graph variable. Though I’m not sure this would have anything to do with the issue I’m having here.