BluePrint animation on sequencer

Hi everyone!

I’m decabeza. :wave:

I did some courses about game programming in UE but I’m a total newbie with UE5 using cinematics, and I’m stuck on my first animation. :sweat_smile:

I have a BluePrint with two rotating SpotLights with a police siren effect.

When I hit play (Start simulating the game) the effect works without a problem.

If I export the sequence (Render movie) it also works as expected.

But when I preview the video in the sequencer the lights don’t move, is there any way to make it work or is it a kind of limitation?


Thank you very much for your help! :pray:

It’s kind of a limitation. If the game isn’t playing your blueprint won’t be ticking. But if Sequencer is open you are able to use it while the game is playing/simulating.

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Would it be enough if you use the Sequencer to rotate the lights with keyframes directly?

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