I have some problem with my tapping game.
If u see the blueprints.It’s will create “note” 's animation but when i check animation time for sort out Perfect hit or miss.It’s always say Cool.But now i relize that time i check form animation is always zero.So now.Should i add some delay?Where or special function or something?Pleases helpme .Thanks
Always use play montage when playing certain animation it gives animation completed output so you don’t have to predict animation time
Tip: to use montages you have to use Slot"DefaultSlot" in your anim bp
I mean widget animation.Not character animation
it’s such like music rhythm game like osu or something but I set F key to play as hit button.
and time in animation event that always 0 cause it’s check branch at that start time and I dont know how to fix it.
p.s.My english is too bad.sry for that.
Hi, It appears that all of this is happening on Event Construct - which only fires once.
You are starting the animation, then immediately (once) checking the time, which is 0 because the animation has only just started. There likely should be some repeating event (such as event tick) running the section of blueprint following “Play Animation” instead of it being on Event Construct.
Move the delay and Play Animation nodes back to Event Construct"
After “Play Animation” also do “Set Tick Enabled”
Turn the event tick off by default. (At the top of the blueprint, click “Class Defaults” and in the Details panel find “Actor Tick” and set “Start with Tick Enabled” to be unchecked.)
Everything starting with the “Cast to ThirdPersonCharacter” node should be called on event tick.
Is it? tbh I cant use set actor tick enable 'cause this is widget not actor so what I should do now?
even more if this event is tick I set when branch is fault(not press f for 0.75 sec it’s will give miss on widget)so it will give massive amount of miss now
tbh I cant use set actor tick enable 'cause this is widget not actor so what I should do now?
even more if this event is tick I set when branch is fault(not press f for 0.75 sec it’s will give miss on widget)so it will give massive amount of miss now.
Aha, I didn’t realise this was a widget - you can use a gate on the start of event tick that starts closed and then open the gate after Play Animation. It will produce the same effect.
I assumed you didn’t want anything to happen unless F Is pressed, but I see you have things happening when F Is false - is this a mistake? For this to work you need to prevent anything from executing beyond this point unless you want to see a Hit / Miss result.
Thanks for comment.I already fix it.xD