Blueprint AddChild node not working?

Hi, I believe I have ran into an engine bug as I’ve been trying to create a widget on PreConstruct and add it as a child to a widget switcher. The widget is added as you can see it in the designer view, the issue is that it doesn’t show up on the hierarchy. I’ve been able to create and add widgets at PreConstruct on previous projects without issue so I have never seen this happen before.

Not that it helps you but:

the issue is that it doesn’t show up
on the hierarchy. I’ve been able to
create and add widgets at PreConstruct
on previous projects without issue so
I have never seen this happen before.

I’ve been using UMG since ever and I can swear I’ve never seen dynamically added user widgets pop up in Hierarchy. Why would they? What would be the use for this - just to test out the layout / config? You can’t keep them anyway, they’ll be wiped when PIE fires off onInit.

Also, this has nothing to do with a Switcher, all containers behave like this.

If it really worked like this at some point (I never used 4.26 for example, skipped the whole release, might have missed something) and I am just absentminded and did not notice, then this is a regression (or a brand new thing) and should be reported:

In which case, nice catch.

After a bit of research it turns out this was a feature added in by the last company I worked for and I mistook it for a default feature. Now I’m looking into how to replicate that functionality for this project.

Honestly, it sounds like a feature the engine could use, knowing how unwilling user widgets are sometimes to update.

Good luck!