I’m sure this is easy, just not for me. I have a blueprint actor that consists of the Default SceneRoot and three beam segments, Beam01 is the left piece, Beam02 is the middle piece that can be resized, and Beam03 is the right piece. The pivot point is at the top of the actor between Beam01 and Beam02. When I change the length of Beam02 everything works. When I rotate it all falls apart. Ideally I would really like the pivot to be at the top on the far left but beggars can’t be choosers. I did try getting relative rotation and location and a few other options. Tried shuffling the order of operations but I am just stuck. Thank you for any help.
Hi! I suggst you to use sockets for this kind of things, they are more accurate when you alter the transformation. You have to put sockets on your main mesh and attach other mesh components to the main one on the right socket (in constructionscript so you can see the results in viewport). If you have any question feel free to ask
Thank you! I would have never gotten that. So just in case anyone ever cares, I replaced the DefaultSceneRoot with Beam01. I then added a socket to Beam02, shown here.
For beam03 I then selected the root, shown here.
And then changed the Construction script as follows.
This allows me to have a beam that I can bring in and change the length as I want, but it retains the details on the ends. I am free to rotate and just go nuts. Now for the texturing. I saw a thing on GDC 2016 where Cyan games made edge aware textures using this technique. Just FYI the slides are available for download even without a subscription. Unfortunately the slides don’t show the really cool texture at work. Just look for “Building Obduction: Cyan’s Custom UE4 Art Tools” on gdcvault.com