Blueprint Actor Invisible in Mobile Preview

I can’t figure out why my blueprints are not being displayed at all using the mobile preview. I’m guessing it has something to do with how I’m using nested blueprints to create my game. I have a game actor blueprint that will generate a board actor blueprint which in turn generates cell actor blueprints. The editor doesn’t seem to handle it too well but it will render whenever I do a preview using “Selected Viewport”. However, whenever I try “Standalone” or “Mobile Preview” I get nothing.

Oddly enough, if I drag and drop a single cell and/or tile blueprint into the editor they will render in all of the previews.

Here is a screen that shows the tiles on the left and a game/board/tiles on the right using the “Selected Viewport” preview.


Here is a screen that shows the same thing using the “Mobile Preview”.

I can also provide the content. file if requested by the Unreal Team. Thanks!

OK. After closing and reopening my project it would not compile. I was doing a SpawnActorFromClass call that was not valid. The compilation picked it up and I corrected it. After the fix it worked in the mobile preview!

Now, for future reference. When I was calling the SpawnActorFromClass I was passing in the class as a variable. At one point it understood the class and showed the correct properties that were “Exposed on Spawn”. After closing and reopening the project it did not recognize those variables so I had to get rid of them. I had to make another call for the class blueprint to initialize the properties after the spawn =(


Hi voigtboy,

I am a bit confused. Have you been able to get your cells to work on mobile now? If not, have you been able to reproduce this effect in a clean project with no additional content? Thank you!

Hi voigtboy,

We have not heard from you in quite some time. I am going to mark this as answered for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing this problem, please post here with the requested information. Thank you!