Blue Print Instance Variable

I got this wall setup where the price
to enter is done by a variable that is
set on each instance of the wall.

Can you show how it looks like when you do it?

In the image you can see I am standing
on a wall with 10 on it but the price
4 is printed to the screen when I
click it.

Any ideas?

My guess is that the widget component is showing stale data. How does the widget get informed about the value of that int?

Hi All,

I got this wall setup where the price to enter is done by a variable that is set on each instance of the wall.

BUT when I have multiple walls, the price is always the same even though it is displaying right.

  1. So it understands to pick up the right Arteface price,
  2. but it always charges the price that was set on the last wall duplicated. Not the price of the individual wall.

In the image you can see I am standing on a wall with 10 on it but the price 4 is printed to the screen when I click it.

Any ideas?

Looks good. So how are you telling the widget to display it? Normally you’d have Construction Script / Begin Play do it. Can we see that?

I set it on the exposed blueprint variable instance, which is different.

Any ideas now?

alt text

You got it!

The gate now also opens with animation, but its still messing up when I have multiple gates. Its always writing the right price but it only “charge” the player the price of the last created wall.

Why is that? :slight_smile:

No clues anyone?

Can we see how you Decrement Coins? The rest looks fine as is.