Blue print failing to retrieve character reference

So i was following along with a drag and drop tutorial for UMG inventory (created by Wes Bunn) and i keep running into an error that it cant access the character reference in my blueprint. I’ve scrubbed through the settings for the variable that calls for it and I have no idea whats going on the variable correctly references the object reference. I’m at the point where I really don’t know how to describe whats wrong because it compiles properly but as soon as I attempt to pick up a dummy item to add it to the inventory it throws me a sequence of errors:

Referenced blueprint here:

Are you sure there are something in Character reference to begin with?

Also, If you possessing something with this controller you always can “get controlled pawn”

He missed a lot of steps and accidentally did a tonn of stuff off camera. You will not be able to follow his tutorial exactly. Skip around - I think he explains a lot of the fixes in third video.

Check your references in the Event Begin Play. Make sure you are casting to the right character (First or Third person, depending on your template). The error suggests that that cast failed.

I skipped ahead to the third video and provided all the corrections he suggested already before I posted this. I wanted to be absolutely sure I didn’t miss anything before I went to answer hub. But tyvm for the reply, it’s appreciated none the less :slight_smile:

The variable for character reference correctly points to my 3rd person character reference. And my custom character reference correctly addresses the controller in question. Upon debug it shows that the item was placed in the inventory but it won’t get image and it throws this error

So i updated the blueprint that was having the error to directly call for the character in its code line, and it seemed to help slightly but it’s throwing these errors now:

HOLY S()&!!! i cloned the project, and for whatever reason it functions perfectly now, i cant even explain why, but the clone functions, and the original does not. Most certainly a bug somewhere.