Blue channel of color doesn't change my dynamic material instance

My move/jump/fall animations works with created dynamic material instance. When I want to switch animation I’m just changing color of the material. Unfortunately I noticed that changing blue channel in my material seems to have no effect and I don’t know why.

  1. Here is example how I’m changing the color:

  2. Here is interior of the UpdateMaterialColor function:

  3. And that’s material I’m using:

  4. From the example above (1.) Color of the player should be turquoise but you can see at the video below that it is pure green:

I’m out of ideas :confused:

Ok, I found the problem. Textures I was using for this Sprite were imported with “NormalMap” compression. I’ve noticed that because Sprites created from these textures were green when originally they were blue. After switching compression of my textures from “NormalMap” to “Default” everything works well. I will leave this post, maybe it will help someone in the future :smiley:

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