Hi there @slam.js,
Hope you’re well and having a great week so far!
As someone with absolutely 0 shooter skills, even I have to admit this looks like a bit of genuine fun. I have to ask, what inspired this project?
Released a demo
The gameplay for “Bloodkill” looks just as incredible as the screenshots in your first post! I’m downloading the demo now and will report back ASAP.
I must admit, I had a blast playing through the demo of “BLOODKILL”! My only dilemma would be this area within level three that featured some items on top of two distinct higher-up slabs, and for the life of me, I didn’t understand how I was supposed to get to the top of them without, say, a double jump.
Thank you for your time and feedback, glad you liked it!
Not sure which exact place in demo you mean but some secrets require you to use in-place jumping (to jump higher).
And some require you to do diagonal jump (hold W+A or W+D and jump) this way you jump a little bit further
I am not sure yet how to make this details more prominent to the player, but for in-place jump there’s now a little short tutor at the start of a demo.
Ah, I believe the diagonal jump was the missing key! The tutorial on how jumping in place helps to jump higher was straightforward; it was a great tutorial and, again, a fantastic demo.
Thank you for sharing, and I look forward to further updates!
The game just released on Steam!
This is fantastic news! Thanks for the heads up!
Just released an update, featuring enhanced visuals, better CPU performance, and many other improvements&fixes
Full update description BLOODKILL - Enhanced visuals, better CPU performance, and many other improvements&fixes - Steam News