BloodCall - Creep It Real - Unreal Challenge

BloodCall - CreepItReal
BloodCall - Creep It Real - Unreal Challenge - YouTube

Student Submission: No
Engine version: Unreal 5.0.3
Description: I tried gradually create a heavy night atmosphere, that something is not right in this level. Main character should be attractive with her abilities, and at same time act creepy. Just a hobby after work.

Screenshots of project (+ in the editor):

Buy used assets here (credits to sourced content):

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My friend is this a movie? Did you record the encoding?
Note: you will be ‏disqualify if you don’t have it. Be careful

My friend is this a movie? Did you record the encoding?
Note: you will be ‏disqualify if you don’t have it. Be careful

Official Rules for all the details
Best tool in UE is “Sequence Recorder”, which records realtime movement of your character. Time limit of 60 seconds can be approached by using: pre-prepared delays and with teleport (=cuts).

That’s cool, I am just trying to help :rose::rose::rose:.
Nice job :saluting_face:
Btw I believe this will be removed from unreal engine 5 soon

Yes, Epic replacing it with “Take Recorder” plugin, but output is same (Level Sequencer for Capture Render to .avi file)

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