Blocky landscape? on console UE5

I am not sure if it’s a setting, but it appears the landscape does not stream in fully and looks like minecraft (which we have all seen in the editor on a initially loaded map) however on the console it never fully loads in, the physics appears correct from the pawns perspective but the landscape is rendered in large flat chunks. The difference than what I have seen with the editor when this happens is the landscape has gaping holes at the initial render distance, everything around the player is flat, and the distance based LOD appears to still try and solve for the chunky terrain. Its quite odd I am not really sure where to begin, any guidance would be helpful.


I am currently facing the same issue and it applies to every terrain scene in the project (but it’s fine on the non-console UE5.1 builds) so it must be a global setting. Did you get any luck with it?