Blocking collision on an actor/pawn with skeletal mesh

In this topic I have learned how to make actor/pawn with static mesh be blocked by ground, walls etc. Now I am stuck in doing the same with skeletal mesh actor. The physics asset is assigned and has many colliding capsules. The CCD is on, both in the physics asset and component. I have added the Projectile Movement component. But the actor still overlaps everything and falls into infinity. How to fix this bug? Pay attention that the skeletal mesh is not root component.

I have only now understood that this question is useless. In the mentioned topic, the main performance killer was a skeletal mesh so I replaced it by static mesh. But for the skeletal mesh actor, it is not much difference is it character or not. So I have did nearly same as in the mentioned topic: static mesh for collision, with simple capsule collider and Projectile Movement, and skeletal mesh for visual, with no collision. The topic is not actual.

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