Block Placement

Using the video “Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial - Building Series Part 1: Block Placement” I was able to code the translucent prebuild material, the “snapping to the floor and other objects” mechanic and the snapping to a grid. But what is not working is the actual placement of the block. The game would only allow me to click once to sync the mouse, but then it stops working. Then it gives me the error message: "Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property BuildPiece”. Blueprint: FirstPersonCharacter Function: Execute Ubergraph First Person Character Graph: EventGraph Node: Placed

(I’m new to unreal and unsure what to do.

Here’s the video:Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial - Building Series Part 1: Block Placement - YouTube

This error appears because you’re using a reference that’s not assigned to anything. Follow the error along to the right hand end, and click on the last part. It will take you to the node causing the problem, which has the empty reference plugged in.