Block jump until space bar is released

Hello, i’m having troubles trying on figuring out how to stop the jumping mechanic if a player keep the space bar pressed, what i want to achieve is this: Jump → if the player is still pressing the space bar he wont be able to jump again → when the player release the space bar he will be able to jump again.

I tried using the Disable Input and Enable Input nodes with a delay, i got a cool result but it’s not what im searching for because while the diable input is active im just losing control of the character till the delay enable again the input.
Im using the Third person template and im just new to the software, thanks for your help and patience!

Hmm I may misunderstand you slightly, so feel free to correct me if I got this wrong.

If you want the character to jump on spacebar and also jump on spacebar release. Just simply plug the jump function into the pressed and the released event outputs from the spacebar key event node.

For more control you can create a variable to check if the player is jumping, is in the air, etc. You can then use a branch to execute other logic based on these variables.

Here is some documentation about the jump node. I also found this which looked quite nice. It’s how you can setup Character Movement.

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Try this:

Use a do once node, plug the trigger into the input and the reset into the completed

Could try setting the input action mapping for jump to hold and set it to fire once

litteraly all you need is this.

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