I’m playing around with the twin-stick shooter tutorial and I noticed that moving towards the edges of the “Arena” makes it possible to look outside of it.
I would like to have the camera be blocked before reaching those positions.
I tried using Camera Block Volumes, but the camera simply goes right on top of the actor.
My idea was to set a blueprint so that if the camera’s Global World Location is outside the ranges I want, to set it’s World Location to my predefined maximums.
I did it, but when I attached the Event on the player movement, I got my camera to stutter back and forth when moving on those “out-of-bounds” locations. I also tried calling it on every tick, which resulted in stutters only when moving back inside acceptable ranges.
Any ideas?
Edit: I couldn’t upload the Blueprint image before.
- All Blue Lines are references to my Camera
- ResetCamera should be ResetCameraX and ResetCameraX should be ResetCameraY (typos…)
- Inside ResetCamera I set relative X to 0, while keeping Y to current relative position.
- Same applies for ResetCameraX