BLiNK - search and destroy shooter (demo)

Download the latest (in development) demo

Blink is a tactical shooter with elements of freerunning.
This release is a little rough around the edges, but features endless rounds of a PvE search and destroy game. Be sure to read through the description on the download page before playing.

Check out video and plans for BLiNK and stay up to date with development on [


Before I get called out on it, yes, the one gun is the launcher from ShooterGame example content, as well as the skeletal mesh and animations for the player and enemies. However, this project is 100% coded with blueprints-- I made my own animation blueprints and characters using these starting blocks.

This is a solo dev passion project made over the past 6 weeks. The search and destroy gamemode has some kinks, this is the most recent feature I added to test map layout - which is obviously unfinished while I work out good size and flow through testing.

Sorry about the external download link on itch, it was larger than the 1GB limit and I felt like tossing this build online as is. There will be continual updates and an official pre-alpha with a lot more features in the next few weeks.