I have set up idle, walking, running, turning and walking in reverse animations in a Blendspace animation in the following slots
Idle - Speed 0 Direction 0
Walking - speed 187 direction 0
Running - speed 375 direction 0
Turn left - speed 0 direction -90
Turn right - speed 0 direction 90
Walk backwards - speed 0 direction -180 and 180 (based on the official unreal document)
Issue: ONLY running animation plays, the character references nothing else. I figured if I referenced each of those values in my animation blueprint, then they should play accordingly, but none of them play. Attached are
first the blendspace chart
second the idle to walking blueprint which results in running animation playing
third walking backwards blueprint which doesn’t play anything
forth turning blueprint which also doesn’t play anything
fifth is the statemachine
Please help, I’ve been going at this for 2 weeks now. My control scheme is tank controls so character turns left and right when A and D are pressed instead of moving in those directions.