Blendspace Animation Issue in UE5...!

Hi Folks this is my first time that I white a question here, so I’ll try to go straight to the point.

I recently decide migrate my project to UE5 to start with the transition process. So far everything has been going perfectly. Until now…

I’ve been tested my Combat System which is inspired in the work of DeathDiary based on the ALS and I found one problem that affect the only two Overlay State where I use Blendspace Animation. (Sword & Spear).

It should be noted that the version where everything previously worked correctly is 4.26, so I made the direct jump to the latest version of UE5.0.1.

As I say, I’ve been set two Overlay State where I use Blendspace but for some reason when I hit the Play Bottom in the Viewport and I try to move during the excecution of the Sword Overlay State my character move but immediately it will pop back once the animation is done.

I show you as well the Blendspace node which is insert in the ALS_AnimBP / Update Character Info to make it work.

Something very important to mention is that when I make a new Blendspace to replace the existing one and I take as reference the same animations that I have been using, it throws me some red circles around them that I don’t know what they mean. It may be that there is the origin of my problem and I have not obtained documentation on this.

The blendspace animation runs well in the Animation Editor.

I add a video showcasing the issue.
Please if you face this problem with the UE5 version or have some idea how can I solved it. I appreciate it so much. Any further information could be provide in case you need it.


That’s the kind of effect I see when the animation blueprint is not told that it is using root motion. It could also be a problem where the animation moves the character relative to the root so is not true inplace

From the tests I’ve done, I think it’s due to a problem with the current retargeting system implemented in the new version of UE5.

In relation to what you say, if you could be more specific in tests that I can carry out to rule them out, it would be great.

I could solve it. Actually was pretty easy, I just have to Check the “Force Root Lock” in the Animation Sequence Editor/Asset Detail Panel.




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Glad I could help.

man, you save my live! tks