BlendProfile.cpp:232 missing null check causing engine crash

If the BlendProfile includes unused influences they index to -1

BlendProfile.cpp:232 doesn’t null check it

const FSkeletonPoseBoneIndex SkeletonBoneIndex(Entry.BoneReference.BoneIndex);
OutDurationPerBone[SkeletonBoneIndex] *= Entry.BlendScale;

Every time you use a montage with inertialization and a blend profile the engine crashes

Please fix before 5.1 goes live.

For me this was caused by bone information from previously removed bones being stored in the blending profile (all with -1 indices). A simple tool that removes these from the skeleton fixes this problem.

I just remade the profile

Epic should probably still fix

I can confirm that they didn’t fix it on 5.1.1 release.