add a key at frame 0 and modify the UpperArm_R or any variant
Apply and save new idle animation
in the animation blueprint, in the idle/run (state), add a layered blend per bone and mix the default thirdPerson_idleRun_2D with your new idle animation and set up the config for that bone name with a blend depth of 1.
When you run and it is supposed to blend, the arm locks up but it is in the incorrect rotation and the reference rotation is incorrect. This is grayed out.
I tried exaggerating the angles but to no avail.
I tried going to the parent bone but it did not affect it either.
At this stage I am out of ideas on what else to try.
What I am trying to do is simulate a coarse Naruto-Run using a mix of a modified idle sequence animation with hands in the back and normal running animation.
I have not used the blend space at all in this whole process which may be where I am not doing something.
To answer your question, this is all done in the default idle/run state, it is not another state to transition into.
Hmm I’m not sure I 100% understand what you’re trying to do exactly, can you post where you blend the Idle animation with your new Idle animation with the arm rotated? In your state machine. It might have something to do with whether you’re doing it from World, parent, or bone space
Okay I see, I see. With the second screen shot, can you go down and click on what I’m assuming is the layered blend per bone node, can you click it and show me the details? Sorry I’m not at home and I’m having a hard time visualizing what I’m thinking about haha