Im in a FPP template, and I want to blend animations (Walk and Run) I already did it, with a 1D blend space, but if I press L-shift (The key to run) the FPP animation is set to walking and it doesn’t ‘run’ I can’t figure out where I have to tweak to make the Blending Space work.
Have you set your animations in the blendspace on different values? e.g idle - 0, walk - 200, run - 400. After you did that you have to change your speed in the character bp when you run. You can do that with a “set … speed” node that you can get from the movement component
The speeds are already set, the character can run, walk and walk slow. The animation is the only thing isn’t working. I think I didn’t set the blendspace values, where do I change them?
Mmm… I think Im not getting it. Im trying to do 4 blends, 1.- Idle, 2.- Walk Slow, 3.- Walk and 4.- Run. My AXis range is 1000 because 1000 is the maximum Speed when the player is running, ¿Is this right? Im still confused. Thanks for the help
With that setup it depends on how you want to changes those blends → e.g from idle - walk slow - walk you could use Accleration (in the character bp). Then it slowly goes from idle over to walk slow and after that to walk.
This here is a sprint setup. First of all you have to set a defaul speed (orange) after that add your key event + the sprint speed
The Inputs are done in My character BP. When the player presses shift, the walk speed is of 1000, when ALT is pressed, the walk speed goes to 170, and of course Idle is 0. But, the animations are not working, if I run… the FP hands are walking not running.
Could you post your anim graph and blendspace setup?
Its ok Man. I fixed it by Adding the booleans and adding some transitions in the anim graph, thanks for your help.