So i am working on fish animation system atm, and I have run into a problem I don’t know where to go.
I have BT and BB working with rate of speed changing depending on health level. I have “AI Control” and “NPC AI Blueprint” with mesh and movement and all the other stuff needed. I have turned off controller axis also.
I have created an Animation blueprint and applied it to my NPC. All that is working fine. I have setup statemachine and added blendspace from that. I have taken the NPC velocity and Direction and set them as Variable and put the into the blendspace 2D for IDLE/SWIM/FASTSWIM.
I think I have blendspace 2D setup, I have speed in Vertical set to 800 max and minimum to -100 as fish don’t really go backwards much, but the do IDLE. The turn is set to 180 and -180 respectively and I have added animations for 35 degrees, 90 degrees and 135 degrees one set of left and one set for right. I also have 180 turn left and right too.
I have tried setting up in the statemachine, just the blendspace with direction and speed into it which did not work, I then tried making a left and right turn state, based on direction, so if the fish starts turning more than 0 then go to turning state, which I set with same blendspace, and then same for right on -0. I also set two way with allowing transition back.
I am using a EQS system to choose the best locations for my fish to swim and best 5%,
The Idle animation plays and they speed up when they start swimming faster, they do turn but they do not animate the turn like it does in the blendspace.
Does anyone have any ideas what is causing this problem? or a link to guide about blendspace 2D turning that actually address the issues as I have followed 5 of them now, and they all clearly come from UE4 documentation example which I followed too. So I am at loss…Hair pulling aaaaaaaaaahh
Thank you for your time and help