Blender to Unreal, Meshes import partially destroyed

When I import my fbx from blender the mesh is partially destroyed in Unreal, specifically some of the faces are missing and it appears that most of the missing faces are triangles. (BTW I am new to unreal)

I got some troubles to import too and i found this video Blender to Unreal Engine 4 in a Nutshell ?v=aC1_m0VdKIY
it helped me a lot. I hope it’ll be usefull for you too.

This is common. Make sure that the faces are pointing out or toward the player. To do this in Blender press N to bring up the properties column. Make sure you are in edit mode. Under Mesh Display: Normals make sure the cube icon is dark grey.

This will put little blue lines indicating the direction the face is pointing. I will bet the “missing” faces are where the blue lines are facing inwards or away from the player.

The quickest way to fix this is on the left mesh tools bar click under Normals: Recalculate Normals. This will most of the time point all the faces in the correct orientation. If you still need to fix a few rouge faces select the offending face and click Normals: “Flip Direction”

This didn’t work, all my faces are set the correct direction.

This didn’t work, all my faces are set the correct direction.

Could you probably post a picture or probably the blend file of your problem?

Have you already enabled “two sided” in your material in the UE4?

Here’s the .blend file.https://www.mediafire/?vmahd78562wq8h5

Ok, I will take a look at it :slight_smile:

After I have triangulated your mesh everything looks correct :slight_smile:

select your mesh in blender -> go into edit mode -> select everything -> space -> triangulate…

Thanks alot it works now :slight_smile:

Isn’t using triangulate will make your mesh with more poly?

no because that’s how meshes are made up … just because you create something in quads, each quad is still two triangles. Which is why you hear people talk about Tris count for meshes rather than quad count. When you export to fbx it usually should triangulate automatically but it could be fbx export settings or something weird with Blender (don’t use it any more tbh).

You are awesome! I know this is old, but wanted to say thank you.

Hey guys!

Awesome this topic, because I tried hard to debug this problem for longtime (5-6 Days) until found this topic. I’ll try to see if that works on my blender file but I hope. I’ll keep you inform.
I’m a beginner on blender and unreal, and I couldn’t find good tutorials where they explain that. That should be done because it’s so essential when you want to make a building or others.

Kind regards,