Blender to UE5.4 and USD Material Problems

So i want to export my blenderscene to unreal and start texturing in unreal because i have my Megascans Library in Unreal which i want to use.

Now, when exporting as USD from Blender and Open it via Stage Editor, my scene get´s visible in the viewport, so far so good.
But now, when i start appliing materials i want them to stay when i reload the USD., but instead, the Staged USD File get´s reset to greyshaded and i need to assign all the materials again.
I´ve searched for 2 days in the internet for a solution but canßt find anything. I have seen videos where people work like that, so it must be possible, but i can´t figure out how.
Here´s a video from a guy in which it seems that he´s appling materials in unreal, and after reloading the USD, the Materials stay there:
Isn´t this working in 5.4 anymore?
Do i need another plugin that i´m missing?
I already went through the comments of his video where he mentions that the root prim should be left empty to see the assets in the unreal outliner, which also wasn´t very straightforward.
USD seems to be a good choice for exporting, but it also seems to be very unfinished and very poor documented and not very streamlined. Will it even get developed further or is USD already dead and i should consider choosing another export variant?
What i really like about USD is the fact that i can animate cameras in Blender (which works so much beeter than in unreal) and export it to unreal via USD. But when it comes to exchanging Scenes between UE and Blender it seems not ready yet, or is it and i just miss onm something?