I’ve almost ripped out my hair today, while trying to bring my animated mesh from blender to UE4.
It’s all easy, until you want to use Root Motion. Then it’s hell.
Using 2.77 Blender and 4.12 UE4.
Original problem is that blender adds a new bone on the top of the hierarchy.
I found solutions:
- animate the armature itself, and it will use that animation. Doesn’t work, screws up the whole animation in blender
- Change the export script to not export armature. This worked, but gave another problem
Anyways, no matter how I changed the export method, even if I got the model in the game without the useless armature bone, following things happened:
- The model got imported with wrong scale
- The model was right sized, but the animation was not( 0.01 scale i think )
- Model and animation was right size, but the root motion was not( was moving just a tiny bit, as if the animation was with 0.01 scale )
I have been smashing my head against a wall for 5 hours, could you please help me?