Blender to UE4 Static Problem

Hi all. Got a minor technical hitch when importing a static from blender to UE4.

The static appears to work absolutely fine. Its exactly as it should be. Imported as a single mesh. Collision works perfect.
The problem I have is that some pieces of the model which use the same material in blender, are a separate object within UE4’s static mesh editor.

I made sure in blender to assign the same materials to everything that used them, and not to use a subsequent copy, as in, when it adds a number at the end.

In blender, I only have the materials I want showing in the selection lists, no others, no duplicates. However, I seem to have lots of copies of the textures. All pointing to the same texture, but they all have .001 .002 and so on. I wasn’t sure if it was that which was causing the problem.

I don’t have a great grasp on how blender handles references. I know if something isnt being used anywhere, it will be removed upon saving and reopening. But I can’t see why I would have multiple versions of textures when the same 3 materials are applied where needed.

Any blender Guru’s know what I mean?

Thanks in advance all. Much appreciated

Try this. Re-import the .fbx back into Blender or any other 3d app and see if the multiple material slots still exist. If they do, the problem is in Blender. If not, it’s in UE.
The multiple image texture slots pointing to the same texture shouldn’t be an issue. It all depends on the material slots. Confirm again that it’s just one slot.
In the material stack, there are two small parallel lines, which when you click and drag them reveals more slots. Make sure they’re empty.


As far as my experience goes with Blender I noticed that materials don’t directly translate to Unreal Engine 4. When using a material in Blender that will be exported to Unreal Engine 4 the only textures that should be in the slots are you DIFFUSE and your NORMALMAP. Any other textures like specular or ambient occlusion will import the texture but not assign it to the relevant material in Unreal Engine 4 and you would have to do it manually. It does sound to me that you maybe have multiple materials that all reference to the same texture. In my experience what happens if this is done then UE4 will import the texture as copies of itself. So if you have 4 materials using one texture UE4 will import it as 4 materials and 4 textures.

All these things mentioned above I have experienced using the standard BLENDER RENDER. If you are using CYCLES RENDER there might be more issues.

Let me know if this helped.

Just using the standard render. No two materials are referencing the same texture. It’s only a very simple material setup. Just a diffuse. Not importing materials or textures to ue4 via the ue4 importer.

It turns out the problem was with the as cii fix exporter. Used the binary one and it worked a treat.

Cheers all!