Blender to UE4 problems with bones & Unreal


  • The bones now have new bones called _end ??

in blenders exporter turn off the “add leaf bones” option, I don’t know why they added that option or why they’ve turned it on by default but turning it off will stop those bones being added.


  • All bones are connected with new bones ?

bones and the lines showing their parents are displayed differently in blender and UE4, in blender your bones are shown as sticks with a head and tail - in UE4 bones show as a ball at the bones location, in blender the parenting lines are shown as a dotted line - in UE4 the parenting shows as a stretched pyramid(very similar to how blenders default bones look).

so your bones(except the added “end” bones) and parenting are still the same its just being displayed differently, you’ll be able to see it better once you get rid of the end bones.

hope that helps:)