I’ve created this just to simplify the file, there’s a socket named Socket_Cube, the mesh, and the armeture with animation, the socket is connected to the armeture using copy transform constraint. When exporting the scene the socket is gone?! I’ve tried to export a mesh with a socket and it worked normally, but if there is an armature in the export the socket get deleted or removed!
I don’t know if it’s a blender export setting or UE import setting that I’m missing up! how do I export from blender this setup and keep the socket in UE?
This video just shows how to create animation and import it to unreal. I’m asking why the empty child that I’ve created in blender with the correct Unreal naming convention for sockets is being removed when importing to unreal along side an armature (if it was imported with just a mesh it will import normally).
it seams that sockets created in blender are ignored when exported with armatures (as far as I can see, most likely I’m doing something wrong) for now, I have been told to instead of using sockets, I create a reference bone attached and placed where the empty was going to be and just create a socket in unreal in the location of said bone.