Hello everyone, I feel that I know most of the problems that can occur by now in Blender.
I’ve seen to it that all the scales has been applied, and the origin is at 0,0,0, but still I’ve having some crazy scaling issues… (There should literally be no issues!)
So I’m using a free asset , a simple skeleton model. I’ve changed the mesh and made a own custom skeleton, that I want to retarget to the original skeleton
I change the pose so that it fits the changed mesh
Now, it looks good in the targeting window, and everywhere else, but when I retarget an animation, the animation becomes insanely large!
This is not a little scaling issue it seems, is there anything that could create this issue that anyone knows of?
The skeleton is pretty simple, but it seems not to be the parenting of bones but the scale of the skeleton itself.
Here’s the wiki entry on retargeting Animation Retargeting (Different Skeletons) | Unreal Engine Documentation
It seems like you haven’t set the bone translation retargeting correctly and it’s trying to pull your smaller skeleton out to fit the larger one.
Thanks for the reply Interference,
I tried to change some bones randomly to either Animation Scaled or Animation Relative etc., I also tried to do it like they recommended in the tutorial by setting pelvis to animation scaled, root to animation.
It however did change outcome at most a little, but the discrepancy in scale is still very visible.
There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with my skeleton until you try to retarget it. Other skeletons works great without translation, and these skeletons has even larger size difference.
Well, I’ll think an’ try to come up with something, just don’t like unlogical problems :
Thanks for any input