Blender Shape key animation to FBX not working

Hi, I have been working on a shape key animation in blender and trying to export it to FBX so that can use it in UE4. But what can i do is get the baked shape key animation on blender format. But when i try to export it to fbx the animation is not getting exported instead one frame of the shape key baked animation alone is saved. Any one who have experience in it can guide me? Been trying to make it work for days…

Hi, Mohan. I have been playing around with Blender shape keys recently. First, make sure you’re using Blender 2.73.

Tesla has a really nice video tutorial on shape keys:
Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial - Morph Targets

I also wrote some notes on my blog with a bit more information about adding materials: UE4 Morph Targets.