Blender Exporting Armature Bone Above Root In Hierarchy (Screenshots)

Blender 2.75a is exporting an Armature Bone above Root In my skeleton’s hierarchy rendering my root bone animations useless. I’ve been at it for hours and I just can’t seem to figure out why this is happening.

All my animations work perfectly fine. No importing or scaling errors or anything like that, I simply have this bone above my Root and it’s driving me nuts.

Figured it out! I feel crazy stupid right about now but apparently you can translate the entire armature in object mode and create keys…

Just turn on Auto Keys, select (only) the armature in Object Mode, select the frame you’d like modify and move the armature. I’m sure there’s an actual way to do this without Auto Keys but this is what I’ve got at the moment.

UE4 treats the Armature’s origin exactly like a Root bone! Hope this helps someone out there.

Thank you very much for the solution! I did not have to turn on Auto Keys, btw. (Not sure what’s default in Blender 2.76.)

Another issue I had was very slow root motion, which was due to wrong scaling. I had to change units in blender to metric, value 0.01. The odd thing is that the model seemed to have the right dimensions (i.e., scale), though.

No problem. I noticed that as well. It can also make it appear as if there’s no root motion in your animations.

It also works when you just deselect all posing bones, go into edit mode, click the armature, go to the keyframes you want the rootbone to be keyframed and add the Keyframe like you’d do it in Pose Mode. ( ` I ´ (capital i) Key inside the 3D Space for example).
You should see a “LocRot” or “LocRotScale” in your DopeSheet View for the Root Bone.

This is the actual solution future viewers.

I realize now that even referring to the armature as a bone was an error in the first place but I had just started when I made this post 7 months ago and honestly had no idea what I was doing haha.

I still have this problem. RyuuKishiSama’s description is a bit vague to me so i don’t really understand what he means. :frowning:

For any poor lost souls stuck on this problem I just found the solution. Just rename the armature bone to “Armature” in blender. That way unreal will detect that this is not an additional bone when importing and your life might find hapiness again :slight_smile: You’re welcome
Tested in
Blender 4.1
Unreal Engine 5.4.2