Blender export to Unreal Engine import results in huge mesh


I dont want to post a huge text so I will try and be quick with this.
I did the following:
-Created a Character in MakeHuman

-Exported .mhx with Feet on Ground, Rigify and as a Unit centimeter

-Imported the .mhx to Blender

-Set Blender to Metrix System and set the Scale to 0.010

-Then I also hit ctrl + A to apply Scale and Rotation

When I now check the height it says 1.8m which is correct basically 180cm.

However when I now import the mesh into Unreal Eninge (with sekeltal mesh, bones, matericals etc.) I get a huge Character.

Did I change a setting wrong (because that is how I saw it in a tutorial or read it somewhere).
The Mesh is displayed correctly just huge.

Any quick tips about this are greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot
Kind Regards Cribbel

Check the export settings. The scale might be big. Also try setting the blender units back to blender units, then scale the charector in edit mode. When using centimeters in Blender, UE4 still reads them as blender units not centimeters.

Hey sry I am just now replying had some stuff to do the last two days.

It actually did not need much of a change. Basically what I did was the first step you told me to. Change from the metric system back to the Blender Unit System. At first I scaled it down a lot and saw that in UE4 it was way to small. So I only undid the Scaling and bam the Character is the correct size.

So for anyone looking for the answer its like this:
Export MakeHuman → centimeters
Import Blender the .mhx
From Blender export keeping the Blender Units
Import as usual into UE4 and you are done.

Thanks again for your reply gonna mark it as correct! :slight_smile:

Could of been a problem with blenders export system. But hey it sounds like you/blender fixed it. Yaaaay!