Hey guys,
I am having a hard time getting the outfits onto my character. First just a simple question. What workflow should I use on getting outfits to my character. I have tried all 3 ways with no success. Also I just want to bottom section to move and have collision with the legs.
1.) Would I import Character Mesh → Import Cloths → Attach cloths as additional body parts in Mesh Editor?
2.) Would I import Character Mesh → Import Cloths → Attach cloths as static mesh with a socket in Skeleton Editor?
3.) Would I import Character Mesh with cloths on? And if this option how would I make the cloth not fall through the body?
I guess what I am asking for is…Is one way better than another? Or Does all 3 ways work? I have been bouncing between trying all 3 ways and if I could just have a direction to go I can put my time to figuring out how.
Below is a screen shot of our model. And no he does not have pants yet Thanks in advance!