Blender animations to unreal: Unreal engine completely ruins animations

My I also ask 1 last question which brought up another error. Why does every bone in the arm and legs have IK constraints?

Real quick, i am not a professional at blender, so do you still have the files on the mesh you can send back? If not thats totally fine. I just want to make sure i am doing this all right, i don’t want to mess this up again . Thank you.

Yea, i followed your instructions, but i have the same problems. I definitely did not follow them correctly. What did you mean with random size option? Also i did Ctrl+N and that basically restarted my project without saving my changes. So it took me another 30 implementing the changes, but it still doesn’t work XD

My apologies I meant CTRL-A to apply the options NOT CTRL-N. My bad.

Do, you might also have the model you used to fix it as well? Thanks.

Not at my computer this weekend. Will send it as soon as I am home again.

Thanks! - No problem for me.