I am trying to import this basic animation from blender (v2.76) to Unreal Engine 4 (4.14.1) yet I keep getting anomalies and I need straight up guidance.
When I import the armature and mesh I keep getting 4 animations that upload (when I should have only one). Also my basic as f*** mesh that I use to demonstrate is going inside itself when it shouldn’t. I follow every bleedin’ tutorial out there and I can’t figure it out. I am reaching out to the community to steer me in the right direction. Thank you brothers and sisters!
The Animation in blender
How it looks in editor an in game
Should I not have only one animation track alongside the static mesh? Why did the static mesh go inside itself in some of the animations?
By default in the Blender FBX exporter you’ve got NLA Strips and All Actions ticked which means animations other than the one you’ve got selected will be exported. You can disable those to only export the animation you’re working on. To fix the physics asset bone size thing you need to make sure you’re working in metric and unit scale 0.01, you can set that in the scene settings. Then scale the armature 100 times (and mesh if it isn’t parented already) and apply transforms.
You can also use scripts to set up presets for stuff like exporting animations. Here’s an example:
This will set up the frame range automatically and export only the visible action into the folder of the .blend file. You can save the text as a .py file, load it into the text editor, then whenever you want to export an animation you can click Run Script.