Blender animaitons to UE4

first things first I’m a noob at this, but I want to get better so here’s the question. Can I import animations from blender(like for characters Ex. climbing a wall) to UE4 character models? if I can’t use blender what’s another good program to use?

You can use blender for that. Just create a rigg for your character - animate it - export it as a fbx file - import everything - now you can use it in the UE4 :slight_smile:
Make sure to take a look at this stream: ?v=Ayp1lof0RJU (will explain you some important things when you work with blender and the UE4)

To get the anims on the UE4 char mesh, you will have to use Retargeting -> https://docs.unrealengine/latest/INT/Engine/Animation/RetargetingDifferentSkeletons/index.html https://docs.unrealengine/latest/INT/Engine/Animation/AnimationRetargeting/index.html