Blender and 3DS Max Artist 2D and 3D Character Modeler and Animator

Blender and 3DS Max Artist 2D and 3D Character Modeler and Animator

[FONT=Gotham SSm]My name is Jason Woods. I am a Blender Artist Game Character Modeler / Animator and a student of Game Software Development at Baker College of Auburn Hills, MI. I am a game developer who specializes in Character Modeling and Animation although the degree that I am working toward is specifically in Game Engine Programming.

[FONT=Gotham SSm]I began my career in character modeling using 3DS Max before deciding to switch to Blender as I saw no advantage in using 3DS Max over blender for character modeling or animation.

[FONT=Gotham SSm]I am experienced in modeling and animating both realistic human characters as well as cartoony type characters and can make both 2D and 3D characters although I do specialize more in 3D.

[FONT=Gotham SSm]Software Experience:

[FONT=Gotham SSm]Blender 2.8
[FONT=Gotham SSm]Autodesk 3DS Max
[FONT=Gotham SSm]Adobe Photoshop
[FONT=Gotham SSm]Autodesk MudBox
[FONT=Gotham SSm]Unreal Engine
[FONT=Gotham SSm]Xcode Visual Studio

[FONT=Gotham SSm]So who am I looking to work with?

[FONT=Gotham SSm]Simple. OTHER indie developers. I am an indie game developer who is looking to help out other indie game developers. After all, making a game is very hard work so we have to stick together and help each other out.

[FONT=Gotham SSm]So what can I NOT do for you? I can not draw. I can model characters for you but I can not draw them [FONT=Gotham SSm]on paper or in Photoshop[FONT=Gotham SSm]. So I can not create concept art for you but I [FONT=Gotham SSm]CAN[FONT=Gotham SSm] create concept mockup models for you.

[FONT=Gotham SSm]Need some characters modeled for your game? Have a small but fair budget to work with? Hit me up, we might just be able to help each other out.

I attached some screenshots of some of my work. Here are a few of my older animations that I made in 3DS Max: