Blender 2.80 and exporting static mesh with LODs - how?

There was a trick used with Blender 2.7x that allowed exporting a single FBX containing LODs for static mesh. Life was good :slight_smile:

Now with Blender 2.80 that trick no longer works and working with LODs became painful all over again :frowning:

Has someone figured out how to export a single FBX file with static mesh containing LODs from Blender 2.80, so that when you import it into UE 4.22 / 4.23 you get a single static mesh with LODs ?

Hah, apparently I forgot to check Empty along with Mesh in the Blenderā€™s FBX export options. All good now - old trick works :slight_smile: Sorry for false alarm :o

AFAIK, I had to mod the export script to actually take LOD_ as the empty to look at.

Also, Iā€™m still not 100% happy with the inside nomenclature, but here is the script portion since I have it open

def fbx_data_empty_elements(root, empty, scene_data):
    Write the Empty data block (you can control its FBX datatype with the 'fbx_type' string custom property).
    empty_key = scene_data.data_empties[empty]

    null = elem_data_single_int64(root, b"NodeAttribute", get_fbx_uuid_from_key(empty_key))
    null.add_string(fbx_name_class(, b"NodeAttribute"))
    val = empty.bdata.get('fbx_type', None)

    #empty groups = LODS
    if empty.parent is None and"LOD"):
        null.add_string(val.encode() if val and isinstance(val, str) else b"Null")

    elem_data_single_string(null, b"TypeFlags", b"Null")

    tmpl = elem_props_template_init(scene_data.templates, b"Null")
    props = elem_properties(null)
    elem_props_template_finalize(tmpl, props)

    # No custom properties, already saved with object (Model).

Though Iā€™m not 100% sure I have published it - this should also be part of my Curves Plugin - if itā€™s not, revise from line 563 of

Wow, Blender sucks againā€¦ Using 2.81a and nothing works when it comes to exporting LODs into FBX. :frowning:

Something is totally off and it could be either Blender or UE 4.2x or both or I am not checking some checkbox.

If I load FBX with LODs to Akeytsu, for example, I can clearly see LODs are there, in the FBX. If I set number of LODs in the import settings to the number of LODs in FBX, I get FBX imported with LODs, except the file is imported 3 times o.O

WTF ?!

Here is .blend file for Blender 2.81: UE4_LODs_test.blend - Google Drive

Here is FBX with LODs: UE4_LODs_test.fbx - Google Drive

Note that Blender 2.81 doesnā€™t need any hacks to export with LOD groups (I tried it as-is and with hacks and resulting FBX is always the same). Also, this FBX loaded into another software, with LODs.

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Ha, I think itā€™s Blenderā€™s BS after all. Here is FBX exported with 2.79b: UE4_LODs_test279.fbx - Google Drive

While the order of LOD iterations is wrong (thanks to Blender), the file imports properly as single static mesh with 3 LODs.

Not sure what you are doing, but my plugin was updated and works correctly as of the last time I tested .81
you just need to properly name your meshes and your empty- which is a bit of mental workā€¦

Ok, finally I got to the bottom of it all!

Basically, Blender 2.8x is all good to go with FBX LODs as-is, without any modifications. However, I made a modification to FBX exporter I totally forgot about - to make it not exporting Armature as root bone. The way it was done (either someone suggested the fix or I found it on the Internets :rolleyes: ) was interfering with export of Empties. Which resulted in screwed up FBX file when it comes to LOD groups.

All good now (thatā€™s what I said last time, didnā€™t I :o ).

If you dont know what you are modifying thatā€™s bound to happenā€¦
the root bone hasnā€™t needed special treatment since before .78ā€¦

It always needed special treatment, unless itā€™s named ā€œarmatureā€ instead of standard ā€œArmatureā€. In that case UE4 automatically removes it on import.

Obviously, I work with blender and UE4 a lot. Enough to make 2 working plugins.
I have literally never had any issue at all with a custom armature and the root bone on stock engine/blender combo since a whole year and a half ago.

Same here, you are not special :wink:

I am betting you didnā€™t use root motion animation. I never even thought about Armature until I had to use root motion in UE4.

I use it constantly on complex imported mocaps. Again, never an issueā€¦

If you are curious, you can probably find the bug tracker where Montagne fixed it. Iā€™m positive its documented, since some changes to the export IO files for it are commented.

So, has anyone figured out a fix for LodGroup index order being incorrect? I have a traffic cone with the base model plus 3 additional LODs. However, they important in the following order:

LogFbx: Display: Triangulating static mesh Cone_Medium_LP_LOD1
LogFbx: Display: Triangulating static mesh Cone_Medium_LP_LOD0
LogFbx: Display: Triangulating static mesh Cone_Medium_LP_LOD2
LogFbx: Display: Triangulating static mesh Cone_Medium_LP_LOD3

As you can see, LOD1 is imported as the first LOD and LOD0 as the second. (No idea how or why it does that) and I canā€™t figure out how to make them the correct order.
The _LOD# naming is for my own benefit as the FBX Importer for UE4 doesnā€™t care about the naming at all and only the ā€œLodIndexā€

If there is no way to control the order of LODs from Blender, then this entire process is pointless and you have to revert to the manual LOD import method.

I donā€™t have any issues (so far) with 2.81a and LODs order in FBX, but here is a workaround that requires engine hack: SDG Blog

UPDATE: I successfully modified the engine source to load lods based on the mesh name vs the index order Blender decides to place them in.
Follow the normal process with parenting to the empty and ensure they have ā€œ_LOD#ā€ on the end. Code is in the following thread:

I had implemented that but it still ignored the naming and used the LodIndex. Although I may have misunderstood the naming convention because ChildNode always resulted in null and fell back to LodIndex.

Iā€™m also using 2.81a and sometimes the LOD order is correct and other times, like with my current object, LOD1 always imports to LOD0.

So I need to figure out how Blender is indexing them into the parent Empty and try to modify it in some way.

**Update: **The engine hack was indeed because I named the objects wrong. Simply ā€œLOD0ā€ and not as a suffix. Iā€™m not a C++ programmer, so Iā€™ll have to figure out how to search as a suffix instead of the whole name.
Still though, Iā€™d like to figure out how to fix the index order so an engine hack isnā€™t necessary if the LOD order comes out wrong.

Hi, Iā€™m independently developing Brigge for Meshes, a paid addon + plugin combo which lets you avoid FBX and all the workarounds that come with it. We just added LOD support thatā€™s easier to set up & manage in Blender, and export to Unreal. Weā€™ve had early access customers since January, and after months of feedback and fixes itā€™s pretty solid. Check out our LOD docs and release history to see if it fits your needs. :slight_smile:

My blender plug in has supported this and curve export for nearly or more then a year.

Create an empty, call it LOD_meshname
shname.namw the meshes
and alter the numbers how you wishā€¦

when you export using the plugin, click on the empties to make sure they are parsed, and thats that.

Are you saying that hack in the blog post I linked doesnā€™t work for you?

I have been fighting with the LOD order myself, and finally, figured it out. You have to add the empty and the LOD meshes to a new collection and it will fix the LODIndex for them. GOD, it took forever to figure that out. No documentation I could find said anything about that. I had about given up and noticed the only difference between mine and Enlightened was the collection and thought I may as well try it.
Selected the empty and the LOD Meshes, right-clicked on them, and selected ā€œNew Collectionā€. Reselected the empty and meshes after they moved to the collection and exported them. Told UE4 to reimport the mesh and boom order fixed. WTH.