Blend upper and lower body poses from sequence players playing the same animation


I’m doing an experiment where I’m trying to compare the differences between blending the same “Run” animation from two sequence players to upper-lower body using Layered Blender Per Bone and playing the said “Run” animation directly on the whole skeleton.

From my understanding, they both should give me the same pose output. But, I’m seeing a lot of weirdness with the blending method. The upper and lower body are randomly out of sync. As in, sometimes it looks fine and sometimes the wrong hand swings forward with the leg. It’s almost like, the two sequence players are not in sync.

Both the sequence players have the exact same settings. And the layered blend per bone has a single branch filter layer setup (Bone : spine_05 & BlendDepth : 0). What could be happening here?How can I make this setup work the same as playing the animation on the whole skeleton.

Thank you

This is how I want it to look. This is correct.

This is what I’m talking about. This randomly happens. If I stop jogging and jog again, it’s either like the correct video above or wrong like below.

This is how my node graph is setup for this part.

And this is the simple setup I have for that Layered Blend Per Bone node.

Are the animations out of sync time wise, or is the layered blend per bone not being applied to the whole spine? It looks like it could be either of those.

(post deleted by author)

Actually, I ended up fixing it. It was in fact the sequence players being out of sync. So, I added them to a sync group and made one of them the leader and another a follower. Now, it’s perfect!

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Fantastic, I’m glad you sorted it out.