Blend Spaces explained with in a complex animation control system

I kind of notice that some are having a bit of a difficult time wiring up player controls with questions I have as to what is the intend goal of the overall idea of complexity as compared for the need for an absolute final output.

In a lot of cases a simple State Machine will do the job but if the State Machine becomes to complex that it starts to look like a map of New York then it’s time to rethink as the state of the State Machine is being forced into a position that should be considered bad practice.

To demonstrate what your options are I did a run though of a striped down version of our current AnimGraph pathway you might be interested in seeing, and no issues showing, where the specification is 100% data driven, 100% root motion, with the final output equal to any AAA title.

At the lest I hope you find it entertaining. :wink:

nice, thanks. was really struggling with state machines. this makes way more sense