Can’t I get the cloth to recognize faces when transforming a skeletal mesh into a blendshape?
When I ran the joint animation, I succeeded in making the shape of the clothes follow the deformation of the other meshes using self-collision.
However, in order to use self-collision, the cloth data had to be applied to the face of the character with the blendshape applied as well. As a result, meshes with cloth data did not play blendshape animations.
for fact i do not understand your question too well.
But from your text, maybe you have some trouble in cloth data when you act the animation.
if you draw all mesh with cloth data with weight 1, it will cause mesh never be controlled by animaion, so if you want to use cloth data and be controlled by bone as well, you need to have part of your mesh do not draw with cloth data.
Sorry. I am not good at English, so I use a translator.
After all, joint animation is possible, but depending on the blend shape, it doesn’t seem possible to make the mask or veil follow the expression.
Thanks for the reply.
There is no problem with the material settings. I’m guessing it’s probably unrelated since the problem I’m having isn’t with the material, it’s with the mesh and collision.
Thanks for the answer.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t solve it at the time and gave up. I concluded that weighted vertices due to cloth simulation were not affected by the blend shape. I haven’t studied cloth simulation since then, so I’m not sure how things have changed now.
The clothes were simply simulated using chaos simulation. When the skin shape of the character wearing the clothing changes due to the blend shape, the clothing naturally detects the change in the mesh and moves accordingly. The problem I had was that I wanted to apply the blend shape to the clothes themselves, but that wasn’t possible.