I’m trying to modify the BlackmagicMedia plugin to support HDR output, specifically SDI output HDR metadata. I’ve looked into the Blackmagic DeckLink SDK and have been able to implement HDR output via C++ outside of the UE engine, but when trying to introduce this method into the BlackmagicMedia plugin and I found that I couldn’t get the “IDeckLinkOutput” pointer. I have also tried to get the “IDeckLinkOutput” pointer through “IDeckLinkIterator” and “index”, and I can also call EnableVideoOutput() normally, but when I call DisplayVideoFrameSync() method, it returns E_FAIL, what is the reason for this, or can anyone know about BlackmagicLib. Is the specific implementation of the method in BlackmagicLib.dll/lib?
Hello,komugi!I’m also researching if UE can output HDR via decklink and I found your question.It seems like the official BMD plugin doesn’t support hdr output so you need to improve it yourself . Have you made any progress on this issue?
The only way I can see it working is a new Blackmagic product, along with the OffWorld Live plugin for Unreal.
It’s called Ultra Studio 4K Mini. This allows me to get uncompressed video (from a 4K camera, like the Pocket Cinema 4K), and send it via Thunderbolt to computer. I don’t own one, so I currently just copy camera footage over. The ultraStudio would allow me to bring in a live feed.
Then, there is an Unreal plugin named OffWorld Live (or some such), and it’s free ($100 once I went commercial)…
This plugin uses FFMPEG, so if you’re into licensing, you will need an .MP4 licensed streamer to use these types of open sourced apps)…
I love shooting film using Unreal. I can add CGI, really cool effects. I run a co-op for devs, if you’re interested. Take a look at build-a-concert.com, or at my YouTube (search for Pete Schieck). Let me know, I can share > 1800 Unreal Marketplace assets! We share, around here.