i have used black magic media, as offical tutorial, i have did it well.However, when i play in standalone game mode, it shows me no video input.But black magic media works well, when i just click play or Simluate. What’s the problem? What should i do?
Hi, i am having the same problem, have you figured out any solution ?
Same problem in packaged solution as standaloneplay.
The black magic card can only be used once.
You have to close UnrealEngine editor to be able to acces the blackmagic card in your program, so you can’t test in Stand alone play.
I’ve same problem but never have video input. When you drag your BlackmagicMediaBundle Asset from the Content Browser into the Level Viewport do you see video feed ?
I’ve same problem but never have video input. When you drag your BlackmagicMediaBundle Asset from the Content Browser into the Level Viewport do you see video feed ?