Blacklight: Retribution gameplay best of (game runs on Unreal technology) >>

This was originally built with U.D.K. (Unreal 3) and by Zombie Studios who was based in Seattle.
Arc games bought the game over recently.

Badass lookin game. Gun fire is on the money.

Yeah it is I really enjoy playing it. Must note though I had no part in creating it. Just love playing it. I tried to screen record the 3rd person camera every time I got shot in this so you can see how the players play, move, etc. It was a great idea they had to jump into “post death” 3rd camera view of the player who shot you. I love the tracer fire in this and haven’t found a good tutorial on how to create that in Unreal yet but I am still looking :slight_smile:

Awesome Graphics

Yeah I didn’t create this game. It was Zombie studios and was bought over by Arc games.
But its just so much fun and runs on Unreal technology so I thought it would be good to share this
so we can see what you can do with U4 :slight_smile:

It will be really cool in a few more months once many more of the currently in-development titles are released, and then we can truly see what can be made.