Blackboard Key Ordering

I noticed that when a blackboard has lots of keys it can get hard to find your variables. Is there a way to order the variables in the key list?

Not really, but I’ll add it to our backlog.



ok thanks.

This is a feature I am also looking for.
Is there any update on this issue?

This would be really helpful once you have more than 5 or 6 keys… or even alphanumeric sorting, honestly.

-Added to the backlog nearly 4 years ago.
it’s 2018 and we still don’t have a way to rearrange our blackboard values. what gives? is it that hard to add a drag and drop feature so we can order them?

Hi, I know this is an old post although I may be able to help future users with the same question. Opening the property matrix found to the right of the search bar in your blackboard blueprint, you can insert variables (requires close and reopen blueprint). While it’s not a reorder, it can be very useful for organising.

Bumping this a few years later - sorting or categorizing blackboard keys would be useful. :smiley:

Ehi devs it’s never late, I need this feature too :smiley:

Bumping up this thread, I hope that someone can see this. It would be a great feature

Oh dear god why can’t I do this.

Mieszko dacie rade to ogarnąć z Łukaszem! :smiley: Uda wam się :wink:

You can do this actually:

Adding to what Darrel_Leigh stated, you can go to the property matrix, go to the “Property Editor” tab on the top left, open your keys and when hoving over one of the down arrows (located within the “Keys” array), it will allow you to drag and drop the keys into any order you wish.

Make sure to close your blackboard and reopen it through the Content Drawer (or equivalent) and the changes you made should be reflected!


There is also bDisplayBlackboardKeysInAlphabeticalOrder. See UEditorPerProjectUserSettings | Unreal Engine Documentation

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