Blackboard Bool and Object not getting updated properly

I have been following through the Getting Started tutorial on AI. I have gone through all the steps, but hitting an issue with the decorator node in the Behavior Tree. The Bool it is checking against is not getting updated, and the object I am setting in the same controller blueprint is also not getting updated, preventing the decorator from ever firing off.

Here is the relevant section of the Controller Blueprint:

I have verified that the name variables are instance editable and multi-checked that the names are the same as referenced in the Blackboard as seen on the Behavior Tree here:

I set breakpoints on the nodes that are supposed to be setting those values, but even though the nodes fire off, the values in the Blackboard are not getting updated and remaining at their default. The patrol section fires off fine. I am wondering if there is something obvious I am missing with the way I am assigning the Blackboard to the set value nodes.

Found the issue here. Only the variable name for those key values was set. I had to go in and set their default value to the name of the BlackBoard vairable instead of the variable name. It was a step that wasn’t covered in the tutorial.