Hello, i have a problem with landscape, after switching to UE5.3 and using Nanite landscape, this weird triangle appear. This is a screenshot from packaged game, issue was also there in editor, but it got ,fixed" after building all levels. Editor looks fine but the game doesent. Any solution?
Looks absolutely wonderful! Enjoy ue5!
I think the only way you have to fix it is yo re-create the landscape material.
Basically when using nanite on the landacape, it changes the landacape into a static mesh and/or the material doesn’t know what to do wtih nodes like Landscape Layer Coords.
Eventually (maybe they already have too) one would assume epic will patch this up.
Last I herd however, people were having issues with tiling and such.
To correct that, work the probem nodes by using WPO to stretch the texture correctly / replace the landscapelayercooord node.
For other noobs reading on this/wtiw:
You shouldn’t even be attempting to package anytning on the latest “alpha” release of the engine… REGARDLESS the fact that epic calls unreal 5.whatever a “release” without specifically telling you (the user) that you are an alpha tester.
Projects that actually intend to (ever) release need to all lock in on a working engine version and not be upgraded… (or rather downgraded 90% of the time when a new “update” drops?)
Hey Enigma,
I just ran into this same issue when building my landscape material. In my case, I put switch parameters on different features so I could turn things on/off to help troubleshoot. Turns out I was sharing a landscape layer weight which worked fine when nanite was off but caused this same issue when I turned nanite on.
Hope this helps, best of luck!
Read Claud’s reply and looked over my landscape material instance details. Found that the issue for me was “Nanite Override Material” being enabled by default with no material.
Disabling ray traced shadows fixed it for me in editor. Didn’t try a packaged build though.
So basicly pretty much anything could mess up the nanites on my landscape. guess i’m in for a week of trial and error, still, thanks for the tips guys!